Ideal Moments to Hold Your Ground in Blackjack

Standing in Blackjack: A Basic Strategy for Success

When it comes to playing blackjack, standing may not be the most thrilling move, but it’s a decision that players should consider more often. Standing can be advantageous in many situations at the blackjack table. In this article, we’ll explore the basic strategy behind standing and guide you on when to make this choice. So, let’s dive in and discover the optimal times to stand in blackjack.

Standing on Hand Values of 17 or More

As a fundamental rule, it is recommended to stand on any two cards that have a value of 17 or more, regardless of the dealer’s up-card. The rationale behind this is simple – by standing, you avoid the risk of going over 21 and busting. It’s a prudent move to hold on to a strong hand and let the dealer take the risk.

The Trickiness of Hand Values between 12 and 16

Things get a bit trickier when it comes to hand values ranging from 12 to 16. In such cases, you need to take the dealer’s up-card into consideration before making a decision. Basic blackjack strategy provides guidance on when to stand or hit based on the dealer’s card. If the dealer’s up-card is between 2 and 6, statistically, it’s better to stand on any total of 13 or higher. However, when your hand value is 12, it’s important to consult the strategy chart for specific instructions on when to stand and when to hit.

Let’s explore a few examples to illustrate when you should stand:

Example 1:

You have a hand value of 13, and the dealer’s up-card is a 2. According to basic strategy, you should stand in this scenario. The math tells us that the likelihood of the dealer busting is higher, so it’s better to hold your ground and wait for the dealer’s hand to exceed 21.

Example 2:

Your hand value is 17, and the dealer’s up-card is a 9. Based on basic strategy, you should stand. Although it’s not a particularly strong hand, history has shown that the dealer is more likely to bust when facing a hand value of 17. By standing, you’re increasing your chances of winning the round.

Example 3:

You find yourself with a hand value of 12, and the dealer’s up-card is a 6. Here, the strategy chart becomes your best friend. Consult the provided chart to determine whether you should hit or stand when facing a 12. The chart takes into account various factors to provide you with the most advantageous move in this particular situation.

To summarize, it’s generally recommended to stand when:

– Your hand value is 17 or higher
– You have a hand value of 13 against a dealer’s 2
– You have a hand value of 17 against a dealer’s 9
– You have a hand value of 12 against a dealer’s 6

Now that you have a firm grasp of when to stand in blackjack, let’s move on to another intriguing move – splitting. Join us in the next section as we explore the best and worst hands for splitting.

Splitting in Blackjack: Unleash the Excitement

Splitting is undoubtedly one of the most exhilarating moves in blackjack. It allows you to increase your chances of winning by dividing a pair of cards with identical values into two separate hands. However, not all pairs are created equal when it comes to splitting. In this section, we’ll provide you with insights into the best and worst hands for splitting, helping you make informed decisions at the blackjack table.

Picture of Doug I. Jones

Doug I. Jones

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